This website contains information intended only for persons professionally dealing with medical devices (e.g. for persons performing medical professions, for persons dealing with the distribution of medical devices). Please confirm that you are a medical device professional to proceed.


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    The Netherlands

    Hemolens Diagnostics B.V.
    Konijnenberg 63 I Breda 4825 BC I
    The Netherlands
    +31 6 20 07 67 77


    Hemolens Diagnostics Sp. z o.o.
    Legnicka 48G
    54-202 Wroclaw

    Company data

    VAT Id. NL863101537B01

    National Business Registry: 84113790





    VAT Id. PL5213714387
    National Business Registry 363139231

    Contact data

    (+48) 664 787 264

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