Follow the progress of Hemolens Diagnostics
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Follow the progress of Hemolens Diagnostics
August 30, 2022
Atherosclerosis and the coronary artery disease that progresses with it is the most common cause of heart failure. In Poland, more than 700k patients suffer from it, leading to the death of nearly 60k people a year. It is a disease that affects large and medium-sized arterial vessels. The mechanism of atherosclerosis is related to local lipid deposition inside the vessel wall and the formation of atherosclerotic plaque, which causes thickening of the wall, narrowing of the artery, as a result of which the vascular flow can be significantly reduced.
Most common symptoms of this disease are:
– worse exercise tolerance, shortness of breath, chest pains (so-called coronary pains)
– dizziness, disorientation, transient difficulty speaking, temporary paresis
– abdominal pains
– pain in the calves (known as “stopping chrome“), cramps, swelling in the legs and feet, tingling
– kidney failure, severe hypertension.
Symptoms depend on the type of atherosclerosis. Prevention involving, among others, a healthy diet, regular physical activity and giving up stimulants is essential. It will reduce the risk of dangerous consequences, such as heart attack, stroke or lower limb amputation.
Early diagnostics offer the chance to improve prognosis and implement an appropriate treatment plan as soon as possible.